Jack versus Jack Daddy

Sunday, August 24, 2008

So daddy has been VERY annoying recently. He's been poking me in the cheeks while I sleep, poking me in the butt while I feed, and tickling me whenever I'm awake. It's time to consider taking the old man down.

I just got back from the doctor and I'm now a strapping 19 inches and 5 lbs 11.5 ounces now.

Here are some of the other measurements:

My foot versus daddy's foot:

He's got the size, but at least i don't have corns or callouses.

My hand versus daddy's hand.

He's got me there.

And here's his hand versus my head.

So the odds look stacked against me. But I have a secret weapon. This handsome bloke is my partner and does everything I do in reverse:

The two of us should teach my daddy to stop bothering me while I get my sleep.