Well it's been a couple of days now since I was born. Basically I've been sleeping a lot. The doctor says I could use a tan and that my bilirubin level's are a bit high so I've been undergoing some photo therapy.
But that's nothing major say the doctors. I've been trying to learn how to eat now. Yesterday, my mommy and daddy came to feed me but I was too tired and cranky to eat. Here are some pics of that.
But today, they came at noon and I WAS HUNGRY. Here you can see that I wanted some yummy milk.
Then I wanted to wave like a maniac at daddy.
Then mommy fed me by bottle because I don't know how to suckle yet.
Then I ate so fast I had the hiccups and daddy has the video. He'll post the video soon but we had to stop eating for about 15 minutes as I tried to get over the hiccups.
Then mommy burped me.
It was a long day so I needed to rest after that but it was a good day.
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