Michelin man? I think not.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So Halloween has come and gone and we have tons of pictures to upload but mommy went back to work yesterday so it's been busy. Here's a picture of mommy going back to work!

In the meantime, I've heard rumors started by a certain auntie of mine, that I look like the michelin man. I take umbrage at that suggestion.


I don't look anything like this guy! Look at my arms!

On the other hand, take a look at this baby!


Now he's a dead ringer for the michelin man!

Anyways, I expect there will be a lot more posts in the upcoming week but just so anyone wanted to see what I was up to, here are some more pics.

My uncle Tony finally decided to man up and hold me.

And it got cold here in NY the past couple of weeks so I had to put on some of my winter outfits.

Anyways, more to come later this week.