Tummy time

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So my doctor has said that I need to do some tummy time. Basically, mommy or daddy will put me on my stomach and I need to lift my disproportionally large noggin up to build up my neck muscles. Up until now, I could only shakily lift my head for a couple of seconds but today I got my head up and looked around.

I'm pretty impressed with myself if I do say so myself. My daddy said that it took him 30 years to completely control his large noggin so I have a lot of time.

By the way, today is 2 months since I was SUPPOSED to be born. Not bad for a faux 2 month old.

102nd day!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Well on Day 101, I was supposed to go to Wave Hill with my Mommy and Daddy, but it was raining so we didn't go yesterday. We went today though. Boy was it pretty. And chilly!

Anyways, the Giants are playing tonight so me and daddy will be watching the game! Go Big Blue!

Halloween party

Friday, November 7, 2008

So I went to my second party last weekend for Halloween. The first party was so fun that mommy decided to take me to another party.

I met a pretty cool penguin.

and a puppy

and I went as a bumblebee

100th day birthday

The 100th day since my birthday was today. It felt like any of the other 14 Fridays but for some reason my daddy was taking pictures at 7 AM. And Daddy is NEVER awake at 7 AM.

Then I hung out with my three best friends who always amuse me.

Later, after mommy came home, daddy brought out the cake that he bought me.

Mommy couldn't have any since I'm a little allergic to dairy and since she can't have it, I wasn't able to get any indirectly.

But mommy took pics with me.

You can tell that he woke up at 7 AM to take pictures of me.

Tomorrow we go to the park to take some more pics and visit Grandma!

Michelin man? I think not.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So Halloween has come and gone and we have tons of pictures to upload but mommy went back to work yesterday so it's been busy. Here's a picture of mommy going back to work!

In the meantime, I've heard rumors started by a certain auntie of mine, that I look like the michelin man. I take umbrage at that suggestion.


I don't look anything like this guy! Look at my arms!

On the other hand, take a look at this baby!


Now he's a dead ringer for the michelin man!

Anyways, I expect there will be a lot more posts in the upcoming week but just so anyone wanted to see what I was up to, here are some more pics.

My uncle Tony finally decided to man up and hold me.

And it got cold here in NY the past couple of weeks so I had to put on some of my winter outfits.

Anyways, more to come later this week.